Purchasing Transcript Management Software
A checklist for those in the market for deposition management software.
A checklist for those in the market for deposition management software.
To understand why you want that videographer at your depo, look back at a time before that was even an option.
Introducing the latest addition to our deposition management suite: Video Transcript Syncing. Dynamically review your transcrpit along with your video playback directly in your Everchron matter.
VoteRiders, a national non-profit dedicated to protecting Americans' freedom to vote, becomes the latest member of Everchron Public Interest Community
BB&L adopted Everchron’s collaborative case management software and transformed the quality and speed of its litigation workflows.
Do you know where your data is coming from? Well, you probably should.
The Legal Technologist interview ith Everchron CEO Ofer Bleiweiss
Case management software without fact management does not work. Every case chronology needs to incorporate robust tools around developing your key facts.
How lawyers can rely on case management software to secure their virtual practice and adhere to ethical requirements
Firms can no longer afford to rely on Excel and Word to build case chronologies.