Relativity Integration

An integration so seamless you might think it’s not there.

Send key documents and data directly to Everchron from your RelativityOne or Relativity Server workspace. This streamlined workflow minimizes time spent on imports, enabling teams to focus on the strategic aspects of building your case.

Effortless data transfer without load files

No more load files, exports or imports. With our integration, you can seamlessly move documents, metadata coding and work product from your workspace in RelativityOne or Relativity Server to Everchron, ensuring that your key data is exactly where you need it to be. This direct connection eliminates the need for manual handling and streamlines the review process.

Empower your team with cross-platform collaboration

Our Relativity integration ensures your fact development and document review proceed in tandem. As your review team identifies case critical documents in Relativity, easily elevate them to the team working in Everchron, methodically capturing the data and constructing the chronology. This process is designed to maximize collaboration, keeping your case management effortlessly aligned with your ongoing review.

Refine your review in real time with reciprocal insights

Not only can you effortlessly funnel critical data into your Everchron matter, but the insights gained from Everchron's in-depth analysis also flow back to inform your ongoing review in Relativity. This reciprocal feedback loop creates a dynamic and evolving review process, where the work done in one platform enhances the other, creating a cycle of continuous improvement and strategic refinement in your case preparation.


  • Eliminate the need for manual exports and imports, enjoying a faster, easier and secure transfer workflow.
  • Ensure your case narrative is consistently evolving, enriched by the latest key documents and findings uncovered by your review team.
  • Empower your team to collaborate seamlessly across platforms, collectively developing the case from discovery through trial.

Next level litigation® with Everchron.

Transform the way you manage cases. Schedule a demo to learn more.