Unlike platforms that awkwardly shoehorn designations into their annotation features, Everchron offers dedicated workflows for the entire designation process from start to finish. Our intuitive experience guides users through each phase and exchange in the process, reducing the risk of errors and helping you meet the inevitably tight deadlines set by the court.
With our Designation Excerpt View, you can review all designations across all the transcripts in your matter. Easily filter for specific designation subsets by metadata, such as designating party, designation type, and objection basis. Click on any designation to view it directly in the transcript that contains it, to review in context or make any necessary adjustments.
Designed for collaboration, our designation workflow is built for teams looking to get away from today’s fragmented approaches. Everchron streamlines the entire process, from initial identification of affirmatives through each subsequent round of counters and objections, all the way to final court submissions.
Create affirmative designations, counter designations, and objections, and relate them between designating parties.
Create a list of objection bases with shorthand names tailored to the evidentiary requirements of each matter.
Select from our unlimited palette to capture the parties’ agreed-upon color scheme by designating party and down to the designation type.
Generate robust, custom reports from your designation data for both court submissions and party exchanges. Whether you are up against a court deadline or coordinating with opposing counsel, Everchron has the flexibility to generate the deliverable you need.
Select from our broad range of export formats, including full or mini transcript reports, excerpt reports, and sequence reports reflecting the relationships between designations.
Tailor your report settings according to submission requirements, deciding on elements like excerpt brackets or highlights, and choosing whether to include objections, runtime and relationships.
Enhance your reports with various export add-ons, including cover pages, legends, linked exhibits, and more.
An intuitive workflow to create your side’s designations is essential, but equally vital is the ability to receive opposing party designations and apply them across your transcripts. With the tightest deadlines, time is of the essence. A fast turnaround allows teams to quickly review received designations and respond with counters and objections.
Import opposing party designations for each exchange across multiple transcripts.
Use our designation relationship workflow to import exchanged designations and automatically relate counters and objections to existing designations.
Our import tool supports partial citations for objections and allows for multiple responsive counters or objections to the same source designation.
When the deposition designation process is over that means trial is right around the corner. Enhance your trial preparation with Everchron by transforming your work product into essential trial deliverables, such as clip reports and video clip exports.
Effortlessly export MP4 video clips corresponding to any set of designations, whether filtered by party, type, transcript or additional metadata.
Generate import-ready excerpt reports for your preferred trial presentation tool.
Use the dynamic runtime calculator to revise designations to adhere to court-mandated video length limits.