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What is Driving the Future of Legal Technology?

After achieving significant technological advancements, legal tech providers should be guided by customers' wants and needs. Addressing feedback is essential to avoid stagnation in the growth of the space. By understanding and incorporating customer feedback, providers can refine their platforms and offerings, ensuring they meet and exceed expectations. This approach will boost user engagement and usage, ushering in a new era of legal technology.

What is Driving the Future of Legal Technology?
Aarya Pandya
Aarya Pandya

The future of legal technology is something that is consistently pondered upon. With more and more companies creating cutting edge innovations, it is easy to wonder what is next. One of the most important achievements by legal technology is the integration of artificial intelligence (AI). As platforms are working to establish their version of AI and fine-tune the product to adhere to not only customer wants, but legal structures as well, they are also working on revolutionizing their existing components.

The next big thing in legal technology rests on the wants of the customer. One of the most spoken about wants, in that sense, is the ability to create a further extension of matter management. While all legal tech platforms are not the same in many aspects, there is a common template when it comes to matter and case management within the platform. Speaking strictly of what organizations are wanting, many of them are looking for the ability to track work product and data with precision. Creating a space like this within a platform would allow for different teams to understand the usage of the platform, as well as efficiency.

Another want is to have metric tracking within the platform along with matter and case management. Beginning versions of this include members of administration teams being able to view and conceptualize actual user data from a settings panel. Information, such as how many users are currently in the platform, when they last logged in, how much data the platform holds, and other metrics, can help admins better understand the necessity and utilization of the platform. This in turn can help increase user engagement within the platform which can lead to further features and developments due to increased user traffic. Evolving platforms from having just matter and case management features to also including metric tracking abilities leads to an increase in the overall efficiency of individuals that are using the platform.

The future of legal technology does not just end with artificial intelligence or even newer tracking features. The future of legal technology flourishes under the wants and needs of customers and the ability for legal tech platforms to pinpoint certain blind spots within the field. The sum of these three things is what drives the innovation that we see in these platforms to reach new heights. Take artificial intelligence as an example: the integration of this technology across the board in mostly all platforms is a testament to these platforms’ abilities to look outside the scope of generic features and create an aid in terms of efficiency.

If that is possible for something as complex as artificial intelligence, imagine the possibilities of these platforms to create tools with either the same amount of complexity or achieve something beyond the bounds of that complexity. As long as there are customer wants and needs, the future of legal technology is always going to be projected on an incline, with more and more companies establishing building blocks on top of an already firm foundation.

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